When they are learned they think they are wise

"Everyone gets their wisdom teeth out these days," the hygienist told me as she committed me to $797 of dental work, which I can't pay for, before the dentist will sign my mission papers.
Why do we even have wisdom teeth if everyone gets them out? How on earth do people in the UK and other less-teeth-obsessed countries than the United States live with their wisdom teeth? Why are they not all writhing in pain and dying of infection? Why can't I just let my (straight, healthy) third molars grow in?
I can understand that some people may have problems with their wisdom teeth as some people have problems with their appendixes. But everybody? That doesn't make any sense. I'm guessing that the dentist wants me to pay six hundred dollars (the other two hundred is for cavities) for a precaution.
Two hundred bucks worth of cavities? Wow... I thought you were of the "starving student" class, but it sounds like you just don't like the taste of tooth paste.
Okay, so my most recent attempts at humor are a little mean. You'll forgive me eventually, I am sure of it!
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