Sunny day, chasin' the clouds away…
Today, as I do most days, I clicked on one of the random Hotmail links to MSN stories and came up with one for guys dating a woman with Seasonal Affective Disorder. While I do understand that I have a tendency to develop any disease I hear about, I seriously think I might have this. I mean, I felt deep depression most of the year when I was staying in the Portland area, especially during the nine months of uninterrupted drizzle. But during the few sunny days in July, I felt like all that sadness was a dream. In fact, during the summer I might even consider myself a Morningperson since I wake up with the sun around 5:00 a.m. and naturally fall asleep around 10:30 p.m. Right now I feel like sleeping forever, possibly because I didn't take anything this morning but also because it is dark and dark makes me want to sleep.
The Disney-obsessed One and I have a silent war about those blinds, because I want even a few hours of overcast light to come in, and I am pretty sure she steps on the pile of dirty clothing I have accumulated below the blind-adjuster thing in order to close them. The window's on my side of the room! How can she stand sitting in the dark in this basement for days on end without going absolutely nuts?!
I can't wait for summer, to have sunlight on my skin (which looks sallow without enough melanin) and sweat on my face and sandals on my feet. And I will wear cotton dresses every day.

I can't wait for summer, to have sunlight on my skin (which looks sallow without enough melanin) and sweat on my face and sandals on my feet. And I will wear cotton dresses every day.
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