
The Daydreamer's Lament

They told me I have lots of potential,
so many gamma-colored ideas and glass-tapestried plans floating around in that head;
and maybe I could make those dendritic connections,
follow the long strands of the stars back to that 10 to the negative 43rd of a second that took all the time in the justexisiting universe after the not there/there beginning of eternity
weave gentle sounds to soothe the raw burns of the world

click vocalize flap aspiration click glottal stop.

with all this purported ability I might really do something
if I ever climbed out of bed.
Here is star-printed flannel with me shape and me smell
but me is as fluid as the tears behind my eyelids
loved or hated in conquering, creating, committing.

We parted in Petra and momentarily in Calais reunited under cover of fire and night.
Breathe, blink and do nothing again.


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