I wimped out. Okay, so I felt sick today, even left work early though I'm desperate for money, and so I did not execute Operation Vixen. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. In the meantime, I came up with another reason why I should go after the shy guy: it's a lot more fun to convince an awesome shy guy that he's awesome than to pretend a cocky jerk is awesome when he's not.
I'm back. One hour into work and I have had enough, I am now ready to pursue more challenging, exciting endeavors. Posting another comment is challenging and exciting because the neo-fascists I work with and for are constantly on patrol.
Anyway, I am having some mixed thoughts regarding your current plight. I am generally thought of as one of those "cocky jerk" types. For me at least, the outward portrayal of over-confidence and machismo is an important mask for my lack of self-control, insecurity, and receding hair line...
There are three things that every Lady needs to know about guys:
1. EVERY guy (YES, ALL of us) is a slimeball. Exception: The first five months of marriage and the first five hours of being a daddy. Also, anytime after 65, we can barely move anyway.
2. EVERY guy is a "fixer". He will change your life and solve all of your little problems, or kill the both of you in the attempt. It's one of those few Natural Man instincts that is actually productive. Sometimes.
3. EVERY guy "needs just a few tweaks, here and there," and you'll NEVER be able to do it... We all need a little work, and sometimes it looks like we're making those changes you wanted... But not quite.
Go for it with Cocky Jerk. Give him three dates, that's fair. And let yourself be impressed! Or embarassed or shattered or whatever. If you still aren't sure after number three, go find Shy Guy.
What am I saying??? You're a big girl, you have been handling yourself rather well for a little while now, right?! Well, since CompuServe at least...
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