

This is it. Up until this last chapter, Cleave has paralleled Plead the entire way—Cleave is set at BYU while Plead took place in high school, and Cleave features Three Sisters rather than Plead's Much Ado about Nothing, but the plots and a lot of the dialog 'til now were nearly identical. I hope I can keep writing when I don't know where I'm going anymore.

If I have nothing else, I do, at least, have a title for the next chapter: ‘Crumbs of Happiness’. It's from one of Masha's lines in act 4 of Three Sisters.


Blogger travis said...

I just got a little confused because I didn't know what you were referring to. I clicked on your link to the last chapter to find out. At the top, Elise Brighton is mentioned. Are you using an NDP? I really wish that I had the patience to read through, but I am pretty much illiterate...
Can you throw out a synopsis?

Blogger travis said...

NDP- Nom de Plume. I almost just translated for you. Would you have wanted to kill me for condescending you?

Blogger travis said...

I guess it probably only bares slight and superficial resemblance to your life. I was just throwing it around to make conversation anyway.
A neighbor discovery protocol might be kind of fun, depending on the implications.
I am a frustrating individiual, truly. It would be less frustrating for you, were we to share some time and something to eat. Then you could have your homicidal ideations and not feel impotent about them.

Blogger travis said...

I would prefer to not become a case study, but thank you. Cannibalism has always fascinated me, in an academic sense.

I think it might be too late now, in any case. I received a set of activation orders this morning. With any luck, I'll have internet and we can stay "blog buddies".



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