
"Oh, adhere to me / For we are bound by symmetry"

Well, this morning I awoke in the middle of the night, disturbed by another dream. The Disney-obsessed One sickened yesterday from sharing germy horchata and was coughing all night. The coughing invaded my unconscious, except in the dream she coughed up a baby instead of phlem. It was a gorgeous little thing, like eight inches long with cornflower-blue eyes, and all seven roommates gathered 'round in awe. Until The Disney-obsessed One shrugged and left to take a test. Meanwhile, the tiny coughed-up baby started crying. Good thing we happened to have formula behind the four cans of hot-cocoa mix in the cupboard.
Like I said, weird. I couldn't sleep for hours after that one.
A random guy named Andrew who claimed to work for The Daily Universe knocked around 17:00 and interviewed me about my interests. I don't have any; I'm too boring.
Then I watched the news, and just as I was about to give up on humanity, Brian Williams stopped talking about the ridiculous dock dispute (like the ports are so secure now, really) and switched to a story about the Latvia fans at the Olympics. Yay for small countries!
Oh, and Monty Python…there are no words.Caption: A group of suspiciously-Utahn-looking fans I met at the bobsleigh event four years ago. They were alternating between La Bamba and some Swiss song.


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