
It's Natural

This afternoon while walking home from work, I saw a vast expanse of lush green grass sprinkled with little white and pink wildflowers. (I took my camera out of my purse again, so I couldn't take a picture.)
My objections to growing Kentucky Bluegrass in a desert aside, I was very glad that the landscaper had chosen to let the flowers grow. Many lawn owners here in the Mountain West have declared war on their yards. They take a beautiful, rugged landscape and lay sod. Then they (futilely) poison and mow and weed-pull and hair-pull and water, water, water, water to create a perfect square of two-inch-high green grass in front of their houses. I've heard some people question their neighbors' patriotism and respect when the neighbors' lawn is not uniform.
Nature does not like to be limited in this way. She knows that uniform is not beautiful, so she fights back with wildflowers and beetles and hot weather. I think we should let her win, especially with the wildflowers.


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