
I haven't made a list in a while.

Stuff I've been pondering lately:

Prince Harry's tour of duty in Afghanistan—he says he hates England because he is restricted by who he is. We may not all be royalty, but we all are born into certain responsibilities and restrictions. For example I was born in the US to American parents, and I can't easily relocate to another country (like the UK) simply because of my birthplace. I was born a woman, and at least here in the Pacific Northwest, I won't be accepted into the adult population unless I've had a child. Women here who can't or don't have children are certainly reminded of their responsibility. I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I won't be socially accepted into the adult population of its congregations unless I'm married (single members of the Church are also reminded of their responsibility). I have to support my family even when they're irrational. I have to pay FICA even though I probably won't get any Social Security when I'm old. People just have to do certain things, Harry. That's just the way it is.

President Hinckley was an English major. I knew I always liked him! This explains the six Bs sounding so much like a lesson from Writing and Pedagogy.

Jonathan Creek
should be broadcast on Mystery! because it's so funny and brilliant. If I get stumped, they're not your typical mysteries.

Hmm, there was something else. I can't remember.


Blogger travis said...

Lieutenant Wales, the warrior, has discovered a level of bonding few people ever know. It transcends the typical frat-boy/ teammate/ lockerroom business.

I endeavour here to stay away from the cliched "it's a veteran thing, you wouldn't understand" BS, but it's difficult.

If it's ten weeks or ten months, getting shot at with someone tends to bring you past any differences and highlight the similarities. This feeling is beyond any bond with his brother, or even his father.

Should a national figure-head put his personal feelings into the realm of the pundits and talking heads? Probably not, shows poor leadership as far as I am concerned. And no one really wants to hear the warriors whine.

I don't think you are so far off base, calling him out; I am only attempting to shed some light.

When do you begin your departure for Philadelphia?


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