
I've been feeling really morbid lately, like I want to watch someone die. (I'll be a lot more mature about it this time.) Like I want to be swallowed by Faulkner's fish. Anyway Pushing Daisies, Bryan Fuller's latest too-good-for-the-general-public television show, is perfect for my mood. So is the rain I can hear with my open window and my new playlist, which includes the aforementioned southern gothic pieces and the following from the Decemberists:
Eli, the Barrow Boy; Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) [Really, all of my playlists include this song. I can't live without it.]; Shankill Butchers; The Island [especially "You'll Not Feel the Drowning"]; The Infanta; The Bachelor and the Bride; A Cautionary Song; We Both Go Down Together; Leslie Ann Levine; Shanty for the Arethusa; The Chimbly Sweep; The Legionnaire's Lament [another must-have]; The Tain; and
Sold! To the Nice Rich Man – Welcome Wagon
You Know I'm No Good – Amy Winehouse
Down and Dirty – Shannon McNally
Afterlife – Rosey
Falling Away with You – Muse
Crooked Teeth – Death Cab for Cutie
Someday You Will Be Loved – Death Cab for Cutie
The Funeral – Band of Horses
Bleed like Me – Garbage
Lazy Eye – Siversun Pickups
Gone for Good (single version) – The Shins
Your Heart – The Triangles
Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell on You) – Aqualung
A Perfect Sonnet – Bright Eyes
Love Will Tear Us Apart (cover) – José Gonzáles
Mad World – Gary Jules
Everything Reminds Me of Her – Elliott Smith
Put Us Back Together Right – Headlights
Mouth – Bush
From a Voice Plantation – Guided by Voices
shopping for blood – Franz Ferdinand
Pablo Picasso – Citizen Cope
Sideways – Citizen Cope
Lord Raise Me Up – Matisyahu
Late Night in Zion – Matisyahu
Bones – The Killers
Each Dollar a Bullet – Stiff Little Fingers
Hurt (cover) – Johnny Cash
White Trash Beautiful – Everlast
We've Never Met – Neko Case
Days Go By (acoustic)
Mona Lisa – Grant-Lee Phillips
Did you tell me your cd burner is broken? Because that's just sad. We should totally exchange mix CDs via post in the coming months if not. Also, my friend Katie was just gushing to me about how good Pushing Daisies is. Netflix, here I come!
Thank you for the merry-wishing, it is much appreciated.
I am argumentative by nature, which is a nice way of telling you that I am a braggart and narcissist at heart. My defense of former presidents should be reviewed in that context.
Anyway, I am commenting on this post because I need to know more about your music. I only recognize a handful of the talent listed. Which, of course, is causing a bit of a pre-mid-life-mid-life-crisis. Dang, now that was a lot of hyphens.
I LOVE tool. Also Incubus, Sevendust (and friends), Cake, Bush, and a few others who had their heyday long before you were in middle school... Plus just about any country music (try The Benders on for size) that doesn't sound like N'SYNC. What would you recommend???
Happy New Year, best wishes and all...
First, many thanks to you and your sister! I'll think of your advice as a Christmas gift/ New Years Resolution combo.
I am pretty sure that I saw Interpol perform at Rock-am-Ring two years ago. Might have been someone else. I do NOT like POT-USA, trust me when I say that I have been around long enough to have been well versed, and have since happily forgotten them. Now who is the music snob? Dang...
I also know They Might Be Giants, my little sister had a good friend who loved them, and I thought I loved her. They did a new verse on "Particleman" when Jerry Orbach (Law & Order) died. I thought that was pretty cool. I have listened to Everlast since the House of Pain days, and will continue to do so. He went a good direction in his career, though the spotlight may be lessened. Based on your reference, I will check out Iron & Wine. I sure hope they don't suck...
Sevendust has been making music for a while, but I heard them the first time (I think, those were different days) at Warped Tour '98 at Boreal on the NV/ CA line. They were kinda rough then, which drew me in. They have softened a tad in the ensuing years, but you can still feel the edge sometimes. They have never seemed to worry about marketing, they are really kinda WOM. One of my Marines who is home for Christmas went to see them by accident this past Friday... Another convert! So I am a little jealous.
If you like them, I also recommend Amphibious Assault. It is a Goth/ Industrial concept by a former member of the Canadian-Psycho-Death-Metal-Girl-Band Kittie (who also rock, on a totally different level). Charging beats, throaty vocals, and lots of electro that are NOT meant to be a calming influence.
I was bored, and annoyed by stewing in my own juices, anticipating your reply. I went ahead and listened to some stuff by The Decemberists and Matisyahu, and subsequently downloaded The Crane Wife and Youth. I think that "semi-pretentious" is a bit understated, don't you? If these were my students, I would ask them to bring in their Thesaurus, because they are using it TOO MUCH. I do like the overtones that relate the Industrial Revolution allegories to our world so well. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea behind Picaresque, as that is my ultimate self perception.
I applaud your new quest. Bluegrass is very American, probably the only genre that would choose to make that claim, were it sentient. Anyway, it's folky and rustic and very Deliverance... I would consider The Benders to be an acid/prog-grass work that has now been over for some years, apparently. Allison Krauss is an easy way to get into it, but she is pop-ish and not strictly grass. The oldies like Flatt&Scruggs or babies like Nickel Creek all abstained from willingly attaching labels, so it's not always easy to find more stuff... Find someone with fewer than 28 teeth in their mouth and a mustard stained tank-top, they can point you the right way :)
I forgot to apologize for my novel...
"I'm sorry, Shaun..."
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