Ugg Boots Are Ugly

The Belching One says that some guys do not like beautiful, kind, and non-annoying. I say that a guy who does not like beautiful, kind, and non-annoying has a serious defect.
I do not like a man with a serious defect or self-doubt. I guess that is Reason #232.
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You need to choose better friends, those who do not swear on their comments and know how to spell their name.
Amen to the Ugg boot ugliness! I mean who thought of them? John Ugg? Speaking of boots, I bought some on sale and they're way cute. They make me, like, 3 inches taller!
Love, your lil' sis,
P.S. I am not "anonymous" anymore, happy? ;)
I guess I am a little late; but in my defense, I have only known of your blog for a few days.
You believe you are annoying, I might submit that strong willed and intelligent would seem annoying and off-putting to the worst kind of guy. Some guys actually enjoy conversing on a date, don't they? That could just be a rumor, I don't know any of them.
What is annoying is when ladies obsess about not being this or having an abundance of that quality. If you (open accusatory) believe something about you needs improvement, go improve it. If not, stop obsessing!
I hope what I am trying to impart is clear. You don't need luck, you have everything you need right between your ears. I will, however, wish you success in the very near future.
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