
It's not just that, but this whole marriage/motherhood thing is very confusing. I could never manipulate some poor sop into marrying me, but I could never be fake-delicate either. And how could I balance changing the world and raising my children?
Raising my children IS changing the world.
Maybe it's not that simple.
I dunno, I'm probably an anomaly, but I enjoy being around strong women (and I don't see that as an oxymoron). That clearly makes me an exception, because most men I know want the women in their lives to be wilting violets. It doesn't make me better than them (I'm probably going against the grain of billions of years of evolution), but it does make life interesting.
The other side of that is that men are expected to act like domineering preening beer-infused assholes, and that's a role I refuse to play either.
Direct does not equal hateful. Be your damn self, and if others can't deal with that, fuck 'em.
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