
It's over!

Émile Durkheim was so wrong about mechanical solidarity only being a function of traditional and small-scale societies. Many of the relationships I have are completely mechanical, and when our homogeneity disappears, so does the relationship.


Blogger travis said...

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Blogger travis said...

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Blogger travis said...

I am guessing that you have already lost touch with a "fast friend" or two from your classes...

No one ever says,"Well Nixon was a man and he sucked, so we can't elect another one," because Nixon didn't suck. There is no historical document that clearly delineates any wrong-doing on the part of Richard Nixon. Believe what you want, but I believe it warrants further research if you want to make such a reference...

Secondly, the idea that the predecessor's accomplishments or failures will be the burden of the successor, based on gender or race or creed, is the same idea that continues to perpetuate the requirement for ridiculous things like affirmative action (I am not saying it didn't have it's time, but that time is OVER). Your fears, even if they were valid, would be self defeating.

Finally, who said that a Marine who happens to have a child would work in an office anyway? Many do, certainly, but not all. But thank you for highlighting the pitfalls of gender-norming. You naturally assumed that a Marine with a child who happens to have interior plumbing would work in an office. In actuality, there are only three job categories that are expressly "Male-Volunteer Only". Those would be Infantry, Artillery and Armored Vehicles. Since our Military Police and Civil Affairs Groups are doing largely the same kind of work, it is reasonable to think that there will be women on the line. Marines do not routinely deploy as individuals, but as cohesive, combat oriented units. So if Marine X cannot deploy because she is pregnant, that is a loss already suffered by her team.

I hope this does not come across as being as condescending as it sounds in my head, they are all points I thought should be made. There is a gender based gap in the line, I don't have a final solution. But things work better in the Marine Corps than anywhere else, overall. I don't want that to get changed because some namby-pamby bed-wetters get a hold of our funding...

Blogger travis said...

Merry Christmas!

Blogger travis said...

Please write a new blog soon. I am enduring the withdrawals, but am not sure how long I'll last.


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