
Life Lesson from One Who Knows

Never, ever get your wisdom teeth out the same week you catch a stomach bug. Vomiting is bad for the clots, apparently. In fact, if you can possibly help it, just don't get your wisdom teeth out.


Blogger travis said...

Hmmm, wish I would have had thaty info quite some time ago. That takes me back to the wandering days, where the "straight and narrow" was a foreign place to me. I remember getting two days of mandatory bed rest and three days of light duty. Each morning I would wake up, take two vicodins, drink a beer and play Playstation all day. I never did vomit, nor did I learn the pain of "dry socket". I am rather pleased regarding my interaction with U.S. Navy dentistry.

It's terrible that you are feeling less than healthy, but you will pull through and you'll be stronger for it.


Blogger Christa said...

OH NO! That's atrocious!!!!! If you need sympathy phone calls, let me know!


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