I was going to post a rant about body language (even though Colin is
NOT A MONKEY!), but then I went to church and everything changed. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll get to my forehead bow problems another time.
Where do I begin? It was all so…wow, I'm rarely at a loss for words like this, as everyone knows. Pues, I was watching
Errol Flynn play
Robin Hood when The Belching One came in around two this morning. She had been outside with this guy (there is a long story here that I am not authorized to tell) for two hours! Members of the opposite sex have to be out of the buildings by midnight, but I doubt the Honor Code wants student popsicles. She spent an hour defrosting while we watched Robin tidily save
the Saxons from oppression.
Therefore, this morning I was tired on top of already being in pain. Somehow though, I put together an outfit and rushed off to church. Colin was standing at the door passing out programs, so I thought everyone inside was singing the opening hymn. Uh, no. Sequined skirt rattling, I marched to a front-ish row and was shimmying past people to a seat when the song stopped and I realized the whole room was waiting for me to sit down so they could start the
sacrament prayer. Oops.
It got better after that. During sacrament I read about the migrations and prosperity in the beginning of Helaman. Those people seem so happy, yet I know that in a few more pages their content little world will again erupt in pride and bloodshed. Bittersweet and yet strangely familiar. Anyway, I need to get to the good parts of today: The
Artiste One accompanied one musical number with her wonderful flautist skills, then three people from my FHE group (including The Screaming One) gave amazing talks about recognizing guidance and comfort from the Spirit—I actually teared up, which is a big deal for me since I do not usually cry in church, then there was another musical number. One of the speakers mentioned Emmaus, which made me think of the song from EFY 2001. The closing hymn was "I Believe in Christ", and I teared up again.
Chrissy taught the lesson in Relief Society, and I had actually read it beforehand. Something just clicked, even though I had heard it before: "The kingdom of God is onward; it is not backward" (p. 28). Of course, every individual has choices to make about what part he or she wants to play in it, but as a whole God's plan is
never frustrated. There is a long struggle ahead for the world, but God
will win.
Maybe that sounds like an obvious truth to most people; I guess I get so worried about all the horrible things in the world that I temporarily forgot that God is more powerful than all of that stuff. He knows what He is doing. So now I have greater trust in my Father in Heaven.
As I thought about that, I realized something else: God trusts me. He sent me here and now because He
knows I am capable of thriving here and now. If I were not, He would have sent me to another time and place in His wisdom because He wants me to succeed. How can I doubt myself when God does not doubt me? At this moment, I could walk away and deny my potential, but it would not change the fact that I was born with the ability to do more.